Thursday, November 8, 2012

Eating Healthy in a Hurry

This morning I woke up and rushed downstairs to start my morning coffee. Unfortunately I had to grind it up in my coffee grinder, but luckily I didn't wake anyone up. I LOVE this certain brand of coffee I buy at Earth Fare, which is a health food store. It's called Mocha Java blend, & its the best.
I put a slice of toast in the toaster, washed off/put some strawberries in a baggie, & hurried to get ready for the day.

This is how most mornings go for me. I drive almost an hour & a half to get to work every day, until I move closer in December. Honestly, I've started to better understand why Americans, who are typically so rushed, end up driving through fast food places on a regular basis- because there just does not seem to be enough time in the day. And, if you aren't properly educated about nutrition, it can be extra challenging to make healthy food choices.

Luckily, I am very educated about nutrition & so therefore I give myself no excuse to not be able to come up with healthy breakfasts in the morning. So for my hour & a half drive, I really need my coffee to get me going (I don't add anything to it- the coffee is that awesome) , & I usually snack on a slice of whole grain 45 calorie toast with about 2 teaspoons of some kind of nut butter- whether it be peanut butter, almond butter, or even chocolate hazelnut butter on occasion. And then when I get to work, my co-workers & I have gotten into this big tradition of eating oatmeal every morning. We bring our own variety of flavors, and usually fruit or something to go in it. I love it because oatmeal is one of those breakfast foods that has a lot of fiber in it, and so after my morning toast & oatmeal, that can usually get me through the day until we go to lunch.

On the weekends, I usually stock up on what foods I will need for the next week for breakfast & dinner (I get free lunch at work). It really is all about planning & preparation. If you have a busy schedule, take a few minutes out of your day once a week, & plan out some things to cook for dinner that are fast, quick and healthy. There are SO many free resources you can use online- several websites & blogs have so many creative ideas for healthy eating. Stock up on oatmeal or other breakfast items that are quick and easy to make. If you prepare foods at home, you will be more aware of what you are placing in your body, and you may be inspired to try something healthy and new. Yes, it is usually easier said than done, but the smallest changes to your diet can make a difference in your health. 

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