Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Kale Chips!

I've been hearing about how awesome kale is for a few years now, but had never really eaten this green leafy vegetable. Then I saw some delicious looking kale chips for sale at Trader Joe's recently, and fell in love <3. Unfortunately they are pretty expensive, but buying fresh kale is not. So why not make your own? It's very easy and mine turned out awesome.

Kale Chips with Cumin, Black Pepper & Sesame seeds 
Servings: 2 

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F
  • Wash 3 cups of fresh kale, and then dry with paper towel
  • Tear into slices, whatever size you want the "chips" to be. Note that the chips may become a little smaller in the oven as the water cooks out
  • In a large bowl, combine kale with 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon of olive oil, & cumin, black pepper and sesame seeds (in whatever amount is desired, 1 to 2 teaspoons will do the trick for me) 
  • Mix ingredients together thoroughly and place on baking pan
  • Bake for 11 to 14 minutes, depending on how crisp you want your chips to be. I recommend a minute or two before taking them out of the oven, turn them over for equal cooking on both sides
  • You know they're done when they have a crispy texture and are slightly brown on the edges
What's fun about this recipe is that you can make whatever kind of kale chips you want. Look in your spice cabinet and get creative! 

Kale Nutrition Info: 

*Known as one of the "healthiest foods on the planet", it's a nutrient powerhouse for sure. One cup of kale contains about 35 calories, 5 grams of fiber, along with 15% of the daily requirement for B6 & calcium, 40% of the requirement for magnesium, 180% of the requirement for vitamin A, 200% of vitamin C, and 1,020% of Vitamin K. Also a good source of the minerals copper, potassium, manganese, iron and phosphorus. 

*High in Vitamin K, like other dark leafy green vegetables, Vitamin K is involved in the blood coagulation process. Our body makes a certain form of this fat soluble vitamin. If you're taking the anti-coagulant medication coumadin, it's recommended to consume vitamin K in moderate amounts- ask your doctor or dietitian for more information related to your personal needs

*Anti-Cancer: Vitamins A, C & K are antioxidants that help fight off cancer fighting cells, so eat up to reduce cancer risk!

*Good to know: One thing to think of when eating this veggie is that it's pretty high in oxalates, which are naturally occurring substances that can interfere with the absorption of calcium, so avoid eating calcium-rich foods like cheese or milk at the same time as kale to prevent any problems

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